Tell us what you think

Contact:  Editor, Momentum
1440 Clifton Rd., Suite 105
Atlanta, GA 30322
(404) 727-8793

Insight into the Emory Clinic

Jon Saxton's article on The Emory Clinic in the spring edition of Momentum was excellent. I am a partner with Alston & Bird but have been working with the clinic for nine years and served as the general counsel there for almost six years. The author's insight into the clinic is evident as is his talent for making what I would initially think of as a dull subject very entertaining. I suspect others have shared this view with you. Nonetheless, one can never get enough kudos, and I wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed the article.

Donna Bergeson
General Counsel, The Emory Clinic

More Cash

In your article "Wanted More Good Nurses" (Momentum, spring 2000), you mentioned Emory Hospitals' Candidate Attraction and Strategic Hiring (CASH) referral program, which rewards our employees for referring candidates who are hired by Emory Hospitals. Since this program was implemented in December 1998, Emory Hospitals have paid out more than $43,500 and added more than 225 new employees.

In June, Emory Hospitals increased the CASH referral amount to $500 for select positions: registered nurses, pharmacists, clinical nutritionists, medical records coders, operating room techs, and certain radiology technologists, respiratory therapists, and laboratory technologists.

Employees of Crawford Long (CLH) and Emory University (EUH) hospitals can earn $500 if someone they refer for one of those positions is hired by Emory Hospitals and works here for at least 90 days. A CASH form must be completed and returned with the candidate's resume to Human Resources.

In today's tight job market, this is just one of many ways we are trying to attract the best health care professionals. Who better to help recruit new Emory Hospitals employees than our own employees who are dedicated to excellent patient care and customer service?

The CASH $250 employee referral program remains in effect for all other EUH and CLH positions. For additional information, call Emory Hospitals Human Resources at 404-686-7100 or visit the department's website at www.emory.edu/HR/CASH.html.

Larry Hodges
Director, Human Resources
Emory Hospitals

Back to the Healing Fields

Your well-written article, "The Healing Fields" (winter 2000), describing the South Georgia Farmworker Health Project, has been extremely useful in spreading the word about our outreach efforts. As the coordinator for this project on the Emory side, I used the article in presentations to local businesses who helped us gain sizable donations of sunglasses and used work clothes.

On June 1, we again took our team of Emory physician assistant students, family medicine residents, and faculty to three rural counties in far south Georgia. Over the next 11 days, we saw farm workers and their family members in a variety of nontraditional settings. Community partners helped with logistic support, including providing interpreters. Several CDC employees participated this year as interpreters and providers, and their services were greatly appreciated. At the end of this summer's project, we had provided free health care to approximately 1,250 people. As always, this was a wonderful learning experience for all participants.

Thank you again, Momentum, and the members of the Emory community who responded to your article and supported our project.

Tom Himelick
Associate Program Director
Director of Clinical Coordinators
Emory Physician Assistant Program

In this Issue

From the Director  /  Letters

Imitation of Nature

A Cut, a Shave, and a
Blood Pressure Check

Medical Mistakes:
Human Error or System Failure?

Moving Forward  /  Noteworthy

Putting on the Ritz, Part Two


Copyright © Emory University, 2000. All Rights Reserved.
Send comments to the Editors.
Web version by Jaime Henriquez.