From the Executive VP

Fred Sanfilippo

Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD

The vision of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center (WHSC) is transforming health and healing ... together. With help from our partners and collaborators and with support from our trustees, donors, and friends, we are working to pioneer new ways to prevent and treat disease, prepare the next generation to save and improve lives, and provide the highest-quality clinical care possible. Following are examples of accomplishments over the past year: 

  • To date, the WHSC has received more than $54 million in funding from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, supporting research in areas ranging from cancer and heart disease to vaccines and gene regulation. Total research funding to the WHSC in fiscal year 2009 was $446.5 million.
  • The nursing school recruited a new dean last year and received its largest research grant ever, $8.1 million from the Gates Foundation to improve maternal and newborn survival rates in rural Ethiopia.
  • The Rollins School of Public Health had record enrollment last fall, and its new building, scheduled to open in May, will double its current space.
  • The medical school had its largest enrollment in history and ranked 15th among all medical schools in research support received from the NIH.
    Scientists at Yerkes National Primate Research Center developed the first transgenic prairie voles to understand the genetics of pair bonding and associated social behaviors.
  • Emory physicians provided $48.9 million in charity care in Emory facilities in addition to $23.1 million in uncompensated care at Grady Hospital.
  • Emory Healthcare, the WHSC’s clinical enterprise, invested almost $70 million in our teaching and research missions last year.

These and other accomplishments throughout this book illustrate just some of the many ways that we are working to realize our vision together.

Fred Sanfilippo, MD, PhD
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
CEO, Woodruff Health Sciences Center
Chairman, Emory Healthcare