Sarah Goodwin

Kathi Ovnic
Holly Korschun
June 1, 1998

Persons over 18 years of age who are troubled either by panic attacks or depression are being recruited by psychiatric researchers at the Emory University School of Medicine.

For the PANIC DISORDER study, qualified volunteers will be asked to make about 10 visits to Emory's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences offices at Uppergate Pavilion over a 12-week period. Symptoms common to panic disorders include shortness of breath, racing heart, chest discomfort, choking sensations, nausea, dizziness, fear of dying, feelings of unreality, fear of losing control, sweating, weakness, hot and cold flashes, trembling and tingling sensations. Persons may experience sudden attacks of anxiety which may begin without warning and over time become associated with certain situations.

For the DEPRESSION study, participants will be asked to visit Uppergate Pavilion about six times for up to six weeks. Participation requires two nights in the hospital (at $200 compensation per night). Qualified volunteers should have at least some of the following symptoms of depression: feelings of sadness or hopelessness most of the time, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, loss of interest in other people or formerly enjoyable activities, or difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep.

For both studies, study medication, medical visits, exams and laboratory tests per study will be provided at no charge. The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences offices at Uppergate Pavilion are located at 1701 Uppergate Dr., Atlanta.

Call 404/727-8968 for information.

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